We sat down with the amazing artist, Nicole Rivera of Unicorn Creashunz, for a quick 3 minute interview. Grab an iced coffee and sit back while she walks us through some of the ins and outs of the resin / glitter crafting business.
DG: Can you tell us a little about your home life?
Nicole: Well I'm actually a full time CNA (certified nursing assistant). I also have a small resin business called Unicorn Creashunz. And I have 3 cats
DG: How long have you been in the resin/glitter crafting biz and what was the aha moment where you decided to go for it?
Nicole: Scrolling Facebook (TM) and watched a video of someone making coasters. Went to Michaels and purchased some resin.. . and here we are 2 years later.
DG: Was there ever a time you wanted to throw your hands up and quit?
Nicole: (Lolling) yes. I think for every artist there is. For me it was because I created so many items for a release on my website. I'd been hyping it up for over a month. The day came and not one sale. I was so sad. I stuck with it though bc I love art, in all forms.
DG: Obviously, that isn’t the case now. You have a devoted following.
DG: What is one thing you would do over when it comes to social media?
Nicole: Hmm... probably work more on learning my targeted audience. Oh and posting consistently.
DG: Give us your best piece of advice for someone just starting out in the crafting biz.
Nicole: Your friends are NOT your targeted market!! Also, don't give up if its something you love.
DG: That is pure gold advice right there!
Nicole: People get upset when all their friends don't buy their stuff. You can't get mad... not everyone will want what you have or be interested lol
DG: One last question, you know we have to ask. What are your can’t live without DG glitters / products ?
Nicole: You mean you don't know? ( lolling) The original Secret Sauce is MY ABSOLUTE favorite. But I do love all of them. The Shattered glass also, specifically Aurora and Anna Nicole. I think I sprinkle them in almost everything lol
DG: Nicole, thanks for taking time out to talk to the Dollar Glitter Community. We wish you continued fortune.
Nicole: Of course. You're awesome. Thank you so much..